Sunday, November 30, 2008

My new blog

Hi to all my friends and family !! I know this blogging thing is old hat to a lot of you, but I am just now getting on the band wagon and taking a stab at it. I thought this would be a fun way to keep in touch and also keep you updated on my fast approaching move to Oregon in March of next year. Things may be a little random at first as I learn my way around blogging, so be patient with me! By the way this title picture was taken by my brother Scott, so cool!! More to follow...


Unknown said...

I was wondering if that's your new home in Oregon? I know you like the "lodge" look so it could be quite appropriate

Tammyz said...

Helllllllo! Welcome to blogspot!! I am glad 2 see you here too!! Have fun!!

Christine said...

Welcome to bloggy land and good luck on your move. I lived in Oregon a long ways back and loved it there! This really is a fun way to keep in touch and meet new friends along the way. =O)